What causes a cough? It is not difficult to understand it’s cause. A cold, allergies. Fever. In any case, coughing happens in the majority of cases. But for some people and for every case it could also have other symptoms like pneumonia or asthma. However, there are certain factors that can help you get rid of this type of coughing. For example, if it doesn’t change after a few days then it is better that a person gets some rest or see their doctor for an appointment. If a person has allergies to things like aspirin, cayenne etc. then they are safe to use either over-the-counter products or medication.

If someone has diabetes or is allergic to alcohol, they need to stay away from those products for at least 2 weeks. They must take them only in specific circumstances.

If your throat is feeling sore, dry, hard or red then the best thing to do is visit a physician. Some people, especially women, find themselves unable to drive without having to go to the office on a daily basis. Similarly, if you have a cough that lasts more than a month then you must seek medical attention. Most severe coughing fits are caused by some problem inside the lungs. You are advised to take a chest x-ray, which would show what is causing your coughing fit. Also, you have to keep off from smoking and drinking alcohol for a while.

You should always try being well hydrated. Drinking lots if alcohol will make one feel worse about their own health. We all know that too much of anything will harm us and you can either avoid it or be able to control your habits. So, in essence you should know how to prevent and get rid of coughing. You also need to make sure that you sleep well. Do not have dreams about taking a day off work or a vacation. This will only hinder you from functioning with a high level of alertness and concentration. As for food, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. It does no good to go around with poor digestion. When you feed your stomach the right amount of fiber and protein it keeps your digestive system moving smoothly through the entire body. Your immune system would be strengthened if you fed your gut with good healthy fats. Lastly, ensure that you drink plenty of water. Water increases blood flow and helps the lymph system to function properly. It also helps to flush out toxins from the body. Be sure that you breathe very deep and are aware of your lungs when at home.