Top 10 Remedies To Get Rid Of Dandruff
1) Soap and Water.
If you have dandruff, use a shampoo or soap with some sort of detergent to get rid of it quickly. Using regular detergents can cause more damage than they are worth. A good tip for your clean at home is to spray the shower with vinegar. You are trying to disinfect the surface and keep away any germs that might be hiding below the nails and other affected parts. Use a few drops in water and wash the area carefully. The results are going to be quick. This method will help remove all types of dirt from any affected areas. If you have acne, apply an ammonia based cleanser. This helps break up dead skin cells and remove sebum, oil, and dead skin cells that cause acne while keeping away dry flakes and debris.
2) Aloe Vera.
Once again, a remedy for getting rid of dandruff is using natural remedies on affected parts. According to most physicians, using herbal medications also known as phyto-herbal medicines to treat diseases such as cancer, arthritis, diabetes, arthritis and many more. Some natural remedies include taking vinegar to help clear up the problem. Also, you should use aloe vera gel to moisturize the area and improve the healing process. Aloe vera gel is beneficial because it contains anti-inflammatory properties, which make it effective for treating many health problems. Taking this remedy regularly will see great results within weeks.
3) Olive Oil and Vinegar.
When it comes to getting rid of dandruff, one must try out olive oil and vinegar as a remedy. This combination works well for cleaning away dead skin cells. Just a little bit of salt and sugar works also as something that penetrates deep into the nail. Massage a small amount of this mixture onto the affected areas and let it sit for half an hour. Wash off the residue and rinse the area off with clean water. It will work quickly and provide a safe solution; no harmful residues left behind by the bacteria or fungus.
4) Coconut Oil.
Another effective remedy is coconut oil. This product is very useful for many problems, especially when it comes to treating skin problems such as itching and tinea. One tablespoon of coconut oil applied to the affected area will immediately heal the wound and kill the infection before it gets worse. Take a clean cotton swab and massage it over the infected area and let it dry with warm water. Rinse it off and then repeat the procedure with a new wet cloth swab. With every repeat you will feel better in just 48 hours.
5) Sugar Scrub/Spray.
As mentioned earlier, washing away the nasty bacteria and fungus that cause dandruff with a sprays of plain white washing detergent won’t do much good for you and your family. However, sugar scrub is what really helps. Scrubs like Clorox, sodium lauryl sulfate, dishwashing detergent and even those with alcohol formulas work best for getting rid of dandruff. A simple scrubbing of sugar is enough to get rid of the entire problem. Wrap your hands and rub down the sugar with your fingertips and then soak the scrubbing material on the affected area. Let it dry with cold water. Do this 2 times a day. Repeat this three times per day.
6) Coffee Vinegar.
There is nothing quite so good about coffee vinegar as a cure for dandruff. In fact, drinking coffee is said to reduce the number of infections caused by body lice, mites and molds. Therefore, for this reason alone there is not a single thing that makes drinking coffee bad for anyone or anything. In addition, the vinegar used to clean the teeth is actually helpful for treating sore throats, ringworm and other common dandruff like problems. All these reasons combined contribute to making one drink twice daily in a healthy family diet.
7) Lemon Juice.
Lemons contain quercetin, an antioxidant that fights against inflammation. They help prevent melanoma and melanoma cell proliferation. For this reason, a lemon juice and lime soda combo should always be taken. Keep the lemon fresh at least once a week. Drink a cup of this combination before bedtime. Not only does it help clean your hair but it also keeps them looking fresh and smooth. It will help keep your dandruff under control. After all, it is hard to catch the virus.
8) Apple Cider Vinegar.
Drinking apple cider vinegar will help kill germs. Since vinegar is acidic, it is very helpful in killing organisms and preventing an outbreak from spreading. The key component of vinegar is acetic acid. Acetic acid is what stops the enzymes that cause irritation and kills the bacteria. Adding honey as a part of this recipe and putting it into the bathtub will significantly increase its effectiveness.
9) Neem Tree.
Don’t let the disease spread to the house. Your house is the ideal place for catching and killing germs so it is important to avoid contact. We can protect ourselves and others from getting sick at any time using neem tree as a solution. Plants are good sources of chemical compounds that help us fight infections at this time and can also help slow down the development of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. A neem tree is found near the kitchen and can be harvested easily. Cut off the stems and take care of it. Now take a clean plastic bowl and cut the leaves down to size and put them into the bowl. Pour some of this mix into the dish and cover it with plastic wrap. Leave it somewhere cool to touch for 24 hours. Wipe it down with clean water and the vinegar to remove any excess. Once done, wash out the dishes. Put the dried herbs back into the bowl. Use this concoction to add any additional ingredients you need.
10) Hydrogen Peroxide.
Having dandruff problems means you are harboring germs. Unfortunately, washing your hands with soaps and detergents is not going to eliminate the underlying issue. Many people are allergic to hydrogen peroxide, and it is one of the most effective remedies available. How? Hydrogen peroxide is made when salic acid reacts to produce acetic acid. It helps in eliminating bacteria and keeping the immune system strong. Take 0.8 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide as a part of your daily diet. You can also make it into a DIY bubble cleaner with 1 cup. Leave the mixture in there for an hour and then wipe out the surfaces with a damp sponge.